tourist office Serre Chevalier Vallée Briançon

Centre Commercial Prélong 05240 La Salle-les-Alpes
Centre Commercial Prélong 05240 La Salle-les-Alpes

The Serre Chevalier Vallée Briançon Tourist Office, classified in category I and marked Quality Tourism, belongs to the Offices de Tourisme de France network.

The Serre Chevalier Vallée Briançon Tourist Office, classified in category I and marked "Qualité Tourisme", belongs to the Offices de Tourisme de France network.

It undertakes to:
Provide you with a reception area and an easily accessible information area.
- Facilitate your procedures.
- Provide you with furniture to sit on.
- Inform you free of charge about the local tourist offer.
- Display and publicise its opening times expressed in at least two foreign languages.
- Offer you free access to wifi (subject to conditions).
- Be open at least 305 days a year, including Saturdays and Sundays during tourist or entertainment periods.
- Answer your mail all year round.
- Provide a permanent reception service staffed by people who speak at least two foreign languages.
- Provide tourist maps, plans and tourist guides in paper form.
- Give you access to its dedicated trilingual website, which is suitable for consultation via embedded media.
- To distribute its tourist information also in paper form, translated into at least two foreign languages relating to :
- all classified tourist accommodation, including at least the name of the establishment, postal address, e-mail address, website address, telephone number and classification level;
- monuments and cultural, natural or leisure tourist sites, which may include an indication of the rates in force, the periods and times when they are open to the public, the website and telephone and postal contact details;
- events and activities;
- emergency telephone numbers.
- Update its tourist information annually.
- Display the emergency telephone numbers outside.
- Present all the qualified offer of its intervention area for all the clienteles.
- Give you access to the consultation of the availability of classified accommodation.
- Deal with your complaints and measure your satisfaction.
- Offer a tourist information service integrating new information and communication technologies (social networks, mobile telephony, geolocation, etc.).
- Respect the requirements of the Quality Tourism mark.
- Guarantee the reliability and timeliness of information on the local tourist offer by our holiday advisors.


Garage à vélo Non
Panier repas Non
Recharge VAE Non
Cet établissement propose des services spécifiques envers les cyclistes.

Contact par mail

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