Located at the foot of the slopes, Jacks is Méribel's premier après-ski spot, with live music, homemade food and non-stop drinks!

Located at the foot of the slopes, Jacks is the perfect place to unwind after an epic day on the mountain.
We add a little punk to Meribel Centre - mirror + metal line the bar shelves, while leather upholstery covers the stools + chairs.
Take a seat under a work of art created exclusively for Jacks + order a Bad Boy Burger - loaded with bacon, cheddar, caramelized onions + jalapeño chutney.
Try our selection of craft beers on tap + rotating weekly so there's always something new.


Garage à vélo Non
Panier repas Non
Recharge VAE Non
Este establecimiento ofrece servicios especiales para ciclistas.

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